FREE trust building workshop:

Get practical Tools and strategies to help you create a strong foundation of trust in your marriage

Even if pornography and dishonesty has caused damage and emotional walls to go up

Live workshop on Monday, June 24th @ 6pm EST (3pm PST)

Here’s exactly what we’ll cover during the Trust rebuilding workshop

Part One

The Process Of Rebuilding Trust


  • The most fundamental element in the trust-building process. Without spending time on cultivating it, trust will never be rebuilt.

  • ​The most powerful activities that rebuild trust.  Discover the key activities and conversations that rebuild a strong foundation of trust. You can repeat them over and over to reinforce your progress.

  • How to have trust-building conversations. Learn how to have productive conversations together that create understanding, healing, and closeness so you can develop a strong feeling of security in the marriage.

  • The best way to bring her wall down and restore her confidence in you. The more her wall comes down, the closer and more connected you'll feel in the marriage.

  • The surprising approach that creates closure about the past so it doesn't continue to be brought up over and over. This tool will help you talk about previous events and resolve them, you can truly move forward and leave the past behind you.

  • The most effective 7 words to say to her when she's feeling triggered to help her to calm down. Avoiding fights prevents further damage, and creating calm builds a sense of safety into the relationship.

Part Two

Practical tools you can implement today


  • The proven technique to difficult conversations ending well.  Many men avoid talking about the addiction because they don't want to fight. I'll share exactly how to discuss difficult topics in a way that creates understanding and resolves issues and questions without fighting.

  • How she can know if you're telling the truth and what you can do to help her believe you when you can't prove the facts in a particular situation.

  • ​The real reason why she is in pain (and what you can do about it). Unresolved damage is a major element that causes couples to continually struggle. You'll learn exactly what is causing the hurt so you can be a part of the solution so it doesn't affect your relationship anymore.

  • How to create safety in the relationship, which creates security and helps her to bring her wall down so you can connect and feel close together.

  • ​How to avoid getting caught in the endless cycle of questioning and suspicion. Since there was deception with the addiction, she naturally has her guard up, so I'll share a highly-effective response in moments when she doesn't believe you so you can diffuse and avoid an argument.

When you walk away from the rebuilding trust workshop, you’ll know exactly how to…


Implement the 3 most effective activities to rebuild trust.


Create a strong sense of security and safety in the relationship.


Have tools for difficult conversations so they go calmly and end well.


Create the right atmosphere for her wall to come down comfortably.


Move forward feeling connected and leaving the past behind you (in a way that's fully resolved).

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